If you have a by-law related complaint or would like to speak with a By-law Officer please call 705-434-5055 ext. 240 (during business hours) or email the By-law Department.
For after hours complaints regarding Canine Control please contact Ewe Herd Me: 705-220-6890.
Below you will find a list of by-laws commonly requested by the public. If you would like a by-law not found in the listing below, or need a certified copy of a by-law, please contact the Clerk's Department.
The by-laws listed on our website are not the official version of the by-law. The by-laws are provided for information only and should not be relied upon as an official copy.
Commonly Requested By-laws
By-law Name | By-law Number |
ATV By-law (Consolidated) | 17-14 |
Building By-law | 23-43 |
Burn By-law | 12-12 |
Outdoor Wood Burning Appliances By-law | 21-54 |
Canine Control By-law | 24-63 |
Clean and Clear By-law | 04-52 |
Committee of Adjustment Procedure By-law | 23-100 |
Council and Committee Appointment By-law (Consolidated) | 23-24 |
Council Remuneration By-law | 24-19 |
Delegation of Planning Authority By-law | 22-66 |
Development Charge By-law | 21-84 |
Employment Lands Zoning By-law | 13-14 |
Fees & Charges By-law (Consolidated) | 24-12 |
Fencing By-law | 05-40 |
Site Alteration and Fill By-law (Consolidated) | 20-47 |
Fireworks By-law | 05-41 |
Kennel By-law | 24-78 |
License and Regulate Refreshment Vehicles and Catering Trucks By-law | 96-50 |
Marriage License Fees & Charges By-law | 21-44 |
Municipal Water Rates By-law | 24-76 |
Municipal Wastewater Rates By-law | 24-77 |
Municipal Rates & Tax Ratios By-law | 24-33 |
Nuisance By-law | 15-28 |
Parking By-law | 04-21 |
Planning Fees By-law | 22-67 |
Procedural By-law | 23-85 |
Property Standards By-law (Consolidated) | 22-79 |
Power of Entry By-law | 21-45 |
Rate of Speed By-law (Consolidated) | 12-22 |
Restrict Use of Motorized Vehicles By-law | 15-30 |
Roads By-law (Consolidated) | 12-31 |
Sign By-law (Consolidated) | 10-18 |
Site Plan Control Areas By-law (Consolidated) | 23-30 |
Swimming Pool Fencing By-law (Consolidated) | 05-27 |
Oak Ridges Zoning By-law | 03-56 |
Zoning By-law | 03-57 |