Building and Renovating
The Building Department administers and enforces regulations from the Building Code Act, Building By-Law, and Swimming Pool Fence By-Law. Building permits and inspections ensure that building projects comply with the property's zoning, along with health, safety, fire protection, accessibility, and conservation standards.
Further information on these changes could be obtained from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing website, or by contacting the Chief Building Official.
Looking to build? Contact our Planning Department for your first steps.
Our Services
The following is a list of the types of permit applications:
- Construction permits
- Demolition permits
- Interior & Exterior alterations
- Sewage System permits
- Pool enclosure permits
- Deck that serves a dwelling regardless of height above adjacent surfaces or size
- Repairs to an existing sewage system or the installation of a new sewage system
- Free Standing signs
- Any installation or alteration of a plumbing system (water supply, drain, waste or vent). Including alterations to install a water softener
- Change of Use
- Building a Fireplace
- Fences
- Lot Grading
All of these permit applications can be found on our Applications, Licences, and Permits Page.
2024 Building Code Announcement |
The Ontario Building Code has implemented over 1,730 technical changes to better align with the National Construction Code. This will take effect on January 1, 2025. View Ontario Building Code.
Permit FeesRefer to the current fees for building permit application review. Payment of a permit fee is due prior to the release of a building permit. For information on Development Charges, please refer to our Development Charges page. FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW