All outdoor burning requires a burn permit.

Be sure that you learn the rules and requirements for all open air burning within the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio before you light a fire. 

Please see the Open Air Burning By-Law 12-12 for full details.

Only registered property owners are able to obtain a burn permit. If the property is rented out to another person, they will require authorization first in writing by the registered property owner.

Register for a burn permit.

Register for a burn permit online or in person at the Municipal Offices during business operating hours.

Check the fire danger ratings

During dry conditions, we could prohibit any outdoor burning and issue a burn ban at any given time. All notifications on burn bans are advertised through local news media and a notice will be placed under this page.

Fire Danger Rating has been set at "Moderate". 

Image of current condition. If the condition reaches to extreme level, the Township will announce a total burn ban in effect until conditions become favorable for outdoor burning. 

You are responsible for any fire you light! Failure to comply with our Open Burning By-law can result in charges and an invoice for firefighting costs.