Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Integrity Commissioner 

Guy Giorno
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Barristers and Solicitors
Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 2400 P.O. Box 20 
Toronto, ON M5H 2T6
Code of Conduct Complaints

The Municipal Act requires municipalities to establish a Code of Conduct for Members of Council and for Boards and Committees.  An Integrity Commissioner is appointed by Council to review Code of Conduct complaints and conduct investigations. 

Council Code of Conduct Complaint Process

Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct should be made to the Township's  Integrity Commissioner. Complaints may be made by members of the public, employees of the Town, any organization, and members of Council.

Complaint Process Overview

  • Council Code of Conduct Complaint Form is submitted directly to the Integrity Commissioner.
  • Integrity Commissioner reviews and decides weather to proceed to the investigation stage within three (3) days of receiving the complaint. 
  • Integrity Commissioner starts investigation stage by notifying the Clerk, Complainant and Member of Council. 
  • The Member of Council has 10 days to respond to the Integrity Commissioner.
  • Commissioner shares member's reply with Complainant within 3 days of receiving Council Member's response.
  • Complainant has ten (10) days to reply.
  • Commissioner determines whether interview and further investigation and/or settlement attempts are required within a week of receiving the Complainant's reply.
  • Commissioner delivers general findings (without recommendations) to Member and Complainant and delivers report and recommendations to Council (via Clerk). 

To submit a Council Code of Conduct Complaint please download the Council Code of Conduct Complaint Form and forward directly to our Integrity Commissioner Guy Giorno via email or mail. 

It is recommended that you provide any supporting documentation that will help verify your complaint. You may attach the documentation either in your e-mail or attach physical copies in mailed and faxed forms.

Conflict of Interest Complaints

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act  sets out ethical rules for Council and Board members if they have certain pecuniary (financial) interests in a matter that is before their Council or Board at a meeting.

The Integrity Commissioner is appointed by Council to review Municipal Conflict of Interest complaints. 

The Act requires that municipalities create and maintain a public registry of all declarations of pecuniary interest made by members of Council. The Township's Conflict of Interest Registry can be accessed online. 

Municipal Conflict of Interest Complaint Process

Alleged breaches of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act against any member of Council should be made to the Township’s Integrity Commissioner. Complaints may be made by members of the public, employees of the Town, any organization and members of Council.

To submit an Application for Inquiry into Alleged Contravention of Municipal Conflict of Interest Act please download the form here Application for Inquiry into Alleged Contravention of Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Form and forward directly to our Integrity Commission Guy Giorno via email or mail. 

Closed Meeting Complaints

The Municipal Act requires municipalities to  appoint a closed meeting investigator.  The Ombudsman acts as the Closed Meeting Investigator for the Township. 

Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Closed Meeting Investigator

Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario
Bell Trinity Square
483 Bay Street, 10th Floor, South Tower
Toronto, ON  M5G 2C9
Closed Meeting Investigation Process

Members of the public, including corporations, may submit requests to the Ombudsman relating to compliance with the Act or the Municipal Procedure By-law for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public.

If you have concerns, please discuss them with the Clerk. 

To make a formal complaint, please complete the Online Complaint Form and submit it to the Ontario Ombudsman.

Completed Closed Meeting Investigations

In accordance with Section 239.2(11) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio shall ensure that any report received as the result of a Closed Meeting investigation is made available to the public.