Committees and Boards
Joining a Township Committee or Board is a great way to get involved and support your community. Council appoints qualified candidates and members typically serve for a regular Council term of four years. We encourage you to submit an application if you are interested in sitting on one of our various Committees and Boards.
The Township is not currently accepting applications for any Committees or Boards. Thank you for your interest in your community.
Committee Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
View our Meeting Calendar for upcoming Committee and Board meetings, agendas and minutes.
Archived Agendas and Minutes are available by request from the Clerk's Department.
Our Committees
Committees and Boards: Council & Public Representation
Cemetery Board |
The Cemetery Board oversees all responsibility and duties regarding the maintenance of the Township’s abandoned Cemeteries (grass cutting, and general upkeep). Members receive a honorarium of $100 per year. Members
Committee of Adjustment |
The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body made up of citizen representatives appointed by Council. Decisions made by the Committee of Adjustment may be appealed to Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The Committee of Adjustment considers applications for Minor Variances and Consents, as set out in the Planning Act. Further information can be found on the Township's Members:
Community Development and Event Committee |
The Community Development and Event Committee supports and plans community events and initiatives throughout the Township, including the annual Canada Day Celebration! Mandate:
Line Fence Viewers |
Fence Viewers respond to calls from the Clerk's Department to investigate complaints in accordance with the Line Fences Act. Guided by the Statutory Powers Procedure Act and the Line Fences Act, Fence Viewers respond to situations regarding the placement of fences and also where a tree from either property falls on the line fence. Members:
Livestock Evaluators |
Livestock Evaluators respond to the loss of livestock by farmers in the Township to determine the value of claim to be awarded based on the evidence presented in accordance with Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act. Members:
Property Standards Committee |
Under the Township’s Property Standards By-law the municipality may intervene to correct building and property maintenance issues (make repairs, clean up and add costs to tax bills), register an Order on Title and prosecute for non-compliance. The Property Standards Committee hears appeals of work orders and other related matters. Members:
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority |
The TRCA Board of Directors is made up of 28 members appointed by the respective councils of participating municipalities. To ensure a variety of perspectives, skills, and expertise, TRCA recruits a wide range of advisory members, including members of the public, community or special interest groups. The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio and the Town of Mono jointly appoint a member, with the 2022-2026 term's member being a representative from Adjala-Tosorontio. Member:
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee is established by the County of Simcoe, the Township of Springwater, the Township of Tay, the Township of Oro-Medonte and the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio in accordance with Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“Acts”). This Committee acts as an advisory body in accordance with both Acts and all related standards. This committee includes both elected officials and citizen appointees. Members:
Committees and Boards: Council Representation
Audit Committee |
The primary function of the Audit Committee is to assist the Council in maintaining the financial integrity of the municipality. Members:
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority |
NVCA's Board of Directors is comprised of representatives appointed from each of our member municipalities. As the governing body for the NVCA, Board members have a very important role and responsibility to represent the interests of their municipalities, consider the interests and needs of the conservation authority, and establish an effective reporting relationship with their municipal council and staff. Members:
Ontario Provincial Police Nottawasaga Detachment Police Services Board |
Under the Police Services Act, the Police Services Board is responsible for adequate and effective police services within the municipality. The Police Services Board provides an opportunity for independent civilian oversight and governance of police services. Members:
Rosemont District Fire Board |
The Rosemont District Fire Board is composed of two (2) elected members from the Council of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio, two (2) elected members from the Council of the Town of Mono and two (2) elected members from the Council of the Township of Mulmur. Collectively the Board manages and operates the Rosemont District Fire Department. Members:
South Simcoe Streams Network |
The SSSN's focus is on threatened shorelines and streams in the Lake Simcoe and Nottawasaga River watersheds within the southern municipalities of Simcoe County; namely Adjala-Tosorontio, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Essa, Innisfil, and New Tecumseth. The committee is made up of volunteer citizens, municipal, conservation, and non-government representatives. Members:
Museum on the Boyne |
The mandate of the Town of New Tecumseth Museum on the Boyne Advisory Committee provides is to provide information and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council with regard to the Museum on the Boyne. The Committee discusses by-laws and policies, promotes the museum, discusses grants and other sources of funding and advises and gives support on the proper preservation of the collection. As a community museum of South Simcoe and area, Adjala-Tosorontio has a member to represent the Township, as do Essa, Bradford West Gwillimbury, and Innisfil in addition to representatives from New Tecumseth. Members: