
The Council of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio along with Township Administration and Staff is working to develop a new plan to guide decisions and actions regarding the future of Adjala-Tosorontio! The new strategic plan will create a vision for the next 10 years by setting strategic goals and objectives that are guided by the needs and aspirations of the community.

We have seen significant progress in the development of the Strategic Plan to date, including hosting a Priority Setting Workshop, creating draft Vision and Mission Statements, and hosting a Public Open House.

OUR next step in the development process is to hear from YOU! We need your input and ideas to help us continue to build this plan. As we think about the future, we recognize the path forward is leading us to “our future” collectively.

To gather your input, we are launching a Strategic Plan Survey on our newly created platform –!

We encourage you to review the Draft Strategic Plan and provide feedback through the Strategic Plan Survey which will be open until April 22nd, 2024.

Take Strategic Plan Survey