
Planning Department - Notice of Decision 


PROPERTY: 8495 Main Street Lisle

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tosorontio Con 3 E Pt Lot 25; Plan 278 Blk B Pt Lots 10 To;12 S Main St Pt Lots 16 To;18 N King

St Pt King St RP;51R29815 Parts 1 And 2 RP

APPLICANT: Ruszkowski Krzysztof

DATE OF DECISION: July 17th, 2024

NOTICE REQUIRED BY: July 27th, 2024

DATE NOTICE GIVEN: July 18th, 2024

LAST DAY OF APPEAL: August 6th, 2024


PURSUANT to Section 45 of the Planning Act with respect to the above noted Application the Committee of Adjustment (“Committee”):

The Committee hereby does authorize the Minor Variance Application requesting relief from the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Zoning By-law 03-57 as amended, in order vary the following provision of the by-law:

To permit an interior side setback of 1.2 meters for the addition and 1.8 meters for the garage, whereas the required interior side setback for the subject property is 3 meters as per zoning bylaw 03-57.

In consideration of all written and oral submission made, the Committee has determined that the Application is a Minor Variance as:

  • The requested relief does meet the general intent of the Official Plan
  • The requested relief does meet the general intent of the Zoning By-law
  • The requested relief does constitute desirable development of the lot; and
  • The requested relief is minor in nature.

Concurring Members:

 Adam Cox
John Greer
Horace Harper 
Elizabeth Rogacki
Miklos Borsos

View Notice of Decision - 8495 Main Street Lisle