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Immediate Release: County of Simcoe Paramedic Services launches virtual Paramedic for a Day contest

Midhurst/April 22, 2022 – In honour of Paramedic Services week, County of Simcoe Paramedic Services is once again hosting the virtual Paramedic for a Day contest. Grade 5 and 6 students, residing in Simcoe County, are asked to create a short (maximum two minutes) video that best showcases what to do when the first responder is you.

The deadline to enter is May 17, 2022 at 8 p.m. The winning entry will be announced at County of Simcoe Council on May 24, and they will receive a visit to their home from a paramedic crew, along with an ambulance tour. The crew will also present the winner with a First-Aid Kit and take part in a photo opportunity.

To enter, please transfer video files to paramedic4aday@simcoe.ca using the free WeTransfer platform at www.wetransfer.com. Be sure to include the student’s name, name of parent/guardian, home phone number, and what school the student attends.

Full contest details can be found at https://www.simcoe.ca/paramedicforaday.

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