Public Notice: Winter Control
Winter Control Notice: To aid in winter control operations and in accordance with relevant By-laws, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that parking on the road is not permitted and that offenders may be subject to a ticket and possibly towing.
Further, The Township would also like to remind you that pushing snow (or brush or any other material) onto or across the road from your property is also prohibited by By-law and that offenders may be subject to a ticket. Placing of hockey nets, basketball nets or other such items within the road allowance is also prohibited and impacts our ability to clear snow in a safe and efficient manner.
We ask that you think about your neighbours and our plow operators and that you make informed and considerate decisions as we go through the winter season.
If you have questions please contact Alice Byl, Public Works Coordinator at 705-434-5055 ext. 248 or via email.