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Image of Municipal Grounds

Notice of Passing - 1263 County Road 50

Posted on Monday, October 17, 2022 03:58 PM

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio passed By-law No. 22-94 on October 12th, 2022 under section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended.

AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio, not later than the 6th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2022
a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection...


Structure 19 Updated Date of Completion

Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2022 03:04 PM

Township of Adjala-TosorontioNOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE

Replacement of Structure 19 Concession Road 6, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio


At present, the Structure Replacement is expected to be completed by October 31, 2022, however there is a possibility the construction may take longer based on uncertainties in the weather. Please ensure that your garbage is located at the end of your driveway by 7:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings for garbage pick-up...


Notice 2022 Final Tax Bill for the Commercial and Industrial

Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2022 02:56 PM


TAKE NOTICE that the second instalment of the 2022 Final Tax Bill for the Commercial and Industrial property classes is due on MONDAY OCTOBER 31, 2022.

Payment must be received by the due date. Penalty charges are levied at a rate of 1.25% on the first day of default and on the first day of each month thereafter. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a taxpayer from responsibility for payment nor relieve the taxpayer from incurring penalties...


Notice of Public Meetings - October 19, 2022

Posted on Friday, October 07, 2022 11:20 AM

Take notice that the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio will be holding a meeting on Wednesday October 19, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. for the following applications:

SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL: To sever two new oversized residential lots within the Rural (R) Zone.FILES: B/04/22, B/05/22, A/05/22, A/06/22 & A/07/22LOCATION: Pt Lot 14, Concession 2 (Tosorontio) 6484 Concession Road 3

Amended Notice of Public Meeting for Consent - 6484 Concession Road 3


Image of Water

Municipal Water Users Notice: Swabbing Watermains October 2022

Posted on Tuesday, October 04, 2022 10:45 AM

On behalf of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio, the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) will be conducting water distribution system maintenance. 

Municipal water users are advised that the flushing or swabbing of drinking watermains will take place at the following locations and time periods:

Swabbing Watermains October 2022 AreaService DescriptionService Time Period Lisle Watermain...


Notice of Public Meeting - Minor Variance 8996 32nd Sideroad

Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 04:14 PM

Take Notice that the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio will hold a hearing Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL: To permit the reconstruction of a legal non-complying structure being widened, closer to the front property line.FILE: A/10/22 LOCATION: Part Lot 33, Concession 1 (Tosorontio) 8996 32nd Sideroad, Tosorontio.Take Notice that the Committee of the Corporation of the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio will hold a Virtual Public Meeting on...


Notice: Development Charge 2022 - Effective October 1st, 2022

Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2022 09:12 AM

DC Charges 2022 - Effective October 1, 2022

As per By-law 2021-84, the Township is indexing the development charge effective October 1, 2022.